Friday, September 13, 2024

Religion is a scam

 Atheists would favor this post.  And even posit this post.

Religion as an explanation that explains everything, especially those that are beyond human comprehension..  At the end of the day, religion controls the way of life of people.

Most churches demand fees and tithes promising life everlasting.  But none has yet to prove the life everylasting.  

That is why there is a growing number of atheists. 

What do you think of this theory that religion is a scam?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

 If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

What do you think?

Methinks it is.  Yes.

So deliver what you promise.

Are certain institutions scams?

 Why do so many parents send children to expensive schools to study.  They want to leave a legacy.  A fortune as it were in lieu of cash or properties. The thesis is:   if you study you will be successful.  You will find a job.    But do schools really deliver what they promise:

1.  Do you get a job when you finish college?  Do you get a higher paying job if yuu finish masteral or PhD?   No.   According to Calvin Coolidge, the world is full of educated derelicts.

This post graduated from a pricey college in the  70s.  Many of my classmates to who went abroad ended as clerks, or chpg patrolman?

2.  An Ivy League school tried to research to find out what made their alumni successful.   Was it the school brand.   They later found out that it was not the school brand.  But two things:

    1.  If the student had a goal?

    2.  Did the student write this down?

3.  Do schools prepare to be in the business work/environment?

     Most of the time they dont.   Graduates complain why retailers require college graduates when the job being done is menial.    Its because many of the graduates do not have basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic and end up messing their jobs.    Google designed a curriculum of just one year that prepare middle school students for jobs that are available.

    This post was able to talk to executive director of CHED who said that current education must prepare grads for BPO, outsourcing jobs, which current higher education is failing to do.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

May sindikato sa panloloko sa condo ng Pastor?

 Kataka taka ang ginawang panloloko sa Pastor na ngayon ay mag utang ng P3.5 million sa funder.

Isinangla ang fully paid na condo para bayaran sa kanya ang balanse.  Hindi dapat pumayag si pastor.  Sigurado na may kuntsaba ang ahente  (na kinuha agad, binawas ang comm mula sa P3.5 million proceed)

Hindi humarap ang buyer (na nagbayad ng P3.5 million  at natira sa Pastor ay P800,000 na lang.  

Na modus nang husto si Pastor.  

Masg ingat.   Dapat sa malaking transaction, may kasamang counsel o adviser para hindi mascam

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Was in a meeting to assist a multi scam victim - a religious couple

Attended a meeting today, due to a request by former colleague who is now a pastor.  He was with a fellow religious couple who are in a financial strait.   They were a scam victim.

The couple acquired a condominium in a CBD of QC and they were trying to sell this.   However, the deal to buy the unit used scam.   The buyer who said they were to get P55M from a fund coming from South Africa suggested that to pay for the balance, they were to to mortgage their property for P3.5Million from a funder (ha?) and they executed a MoA for this.  To support the transaction they had a MoA.  The buyer supporte the transaction with a PDC.  

The funding agreement ended in May and the threat of foreclosure (there was a REM,) is 11 days after.   

Our comment was:

1.  The South African funding promise was a scam;

2.  The loan should have been taken by the buyer, not the seller;

3.  The PDC should be used as an evidence vs. violation of BP 22 and RPC 315;

4.  There are now two liens on the property:   the funding indebted (the orignal CCT is wtih the funder) and the MoA with the buyer.  Thus the Moa has to be cancelled via a recession of contract.

We have to be careful with our transactions.  As Desiderata says, we have to be careful because the world is full of trickery.  Even the religious who are supposed to be good should not be scam victims 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Now its final and clear - you can not get a title that is included in the G...o title, much less a free patent even if you pay waiver

 We nearly were scammed that land covered by Tax Dec in B...... We were offered hectares of land covered by Tax Dec with the promise that they can be titled if given the waiver by the purported owner, who was upheld as legitimate owner by the highest court of the land.

We did not get clear and definite answer from the owner when we interviewed her last Friday.

We verified from officials of a government agency that was in charge of titling:

1.  While the    G...o were said to be the owner, the name in the title is a corporation I....t, and not the  While they claim they were not paid or given share of stocks by I....t, the fact remains that the registered owner is the former.    The waiver to be issued by the G...o family is of no value.

2.  An OCT free patent under the Public Lands Act CA 141 or RA 10023 can not be issued from the G...o title through a waiver since the land being claimed are not public land but private land covered by a mother title.   A conveyance is in order rather than a waiver.

So buyers beware, as we should be.

A waiver by the G...o family will not be honored by the govt agency since the land is owned by I....t as per records

No free patent can be issued to the lands with Tax Dec, as these are titled property.

So people of the town mentioned are doomed not to have titles.  And cant be sold to corporations and developers.    Even for a 100 years or more Unless the Courts reverse their ruling.    And many say that the decision of the court after SC decision is unassailable.   Pity the residents legitimate land owners of the said town.   

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dont get scammed in land deals in this SL town....

 Avoid investing in non titled property in these towns in Southern Tagalog

We had to end our plan to develop 5.1 ha property under a joint project agreement.  But we exercised due caution and diligence anyway.  Prior to submission of written offer to the land owner, we had to seek approval/waiver from the bigtime estate owner.   The owner, with a G ...o surname and with 4 others title to some 3,000 hectares encompassing three towns.    

How they got this extends to 1932.  They had a title to the said property which was lost and only reconstituted in the 1970's   The irony is that they did not pay RPT to the said land holding.   The oldies said this was a fake title.   And so with the Solicitor General and LGU mayor.  They assailed the title and which was upheld the court  They went to the Court of Appeals and they overturned the lower court (meaning the title was valid) and when they went to SC - the court said all the lands that have titled are legally the property of the title holder, but those without titles belong to the ....o

The land owner and or other pundits said that the decision of the SC is unassailable  (as if their decision is the word of the Pontiff or God)   Just how unjust their decision was, and how this has held the progress of this town to its lowest level vs the other towns in the province.....

The thing is there are many defects to the decision.  And open to more lawsuits.   There are now five title holders to the property.  And there arise a question -  who is the owner.    Then ....o said there was a deed of exchange but there were no issuance of shares, nor payment.   

The  possessors of land could not get a title under the Public Lands Act, since the land now are private and owned by the >>>o.  No one wants to invest in these town, because the estate owner may seize the property, at the same time those who reside at the areas, religiously pay their RPT proving their possession.  Now, the state can forfeit the land purportedly owned by  ....o, and bid out give that to the occupant.  Why is the LGU not doing that

Now going back to our case of planned development.  The broker, at the same time cohort of ....o met last Friday to ask questions for confirmation.   But the lady owner was feisty and cut off the conversation query from this post

We just asked:   " Can you give us a Free Patent Title copy, the waiver that caused the issuance of the said free patent    The DENR is enjoined not to issue title that is not public land and the ,,,,lot isi private.   Using blocking neutralizing argument, the ....cohort said that what is the point if you do not trust us.   (All that he has to do is show a sample -  may be there is none)

Be careful of properties that are part of or are untitled in the area.  You  may be sorry.  If there are titled properties, do a lot of due diligence.  If untitled, reject this outright.