Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Can power utilities (DUs) charge brown out losses to system loss?

There were rumors that they were going to do that?  Can they?  Or has DOE approved of this? Na dukot na kaya?

Some common unnoticed scams

They happen everyday; some go unnoticed like change at buses or supermarkets or stores. Some sellers, drivers will not give you the 50 or 25 centavos change.   Multiply that by a thousand customers passengers a day and number of terminals in a supermarket say 50, multiply by 30 days and 12 months, the amounts could be staggering.

One of the scams happen with the load;  after 10 texts or 1 minute call, the phone announces that there is no more load.   Has this happened to you?  But it happens to many people.  Your 50 pesos load gone.

Is there a law against this?

Have you been a victim?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How do water utilities have system loss

Scams and crimes abound

Rizal Philippines   |September 17, 2014

My neighbor showed me how to pay minimum to water utilities.  He just turns on the faucet at drip level.  The water meter does not move.  The force of the leaking water is not enough to drive the meter.  So he can fill his container without paying more than what he is paying now.  He told me that there are several rich people who have underground cistern that are just being filled by drip/leak method and they do not pay much.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Five most common scams

Rizal Philippines  |  September 9, 2014

Repost from PC world articles

The five most common on line scams are the following:

1.  Pishing.

    The scammer tries to get your account # especially if its a credit card or ATM number by pretending the sender of the article that the bank is asking for an update or confirmation

2.  Auction fraud or non existing on line store.

     They ask for pay pal or credit card payments and you get nothing  Some China sites are like this, and you can not have any remedy.

3.  Nigerian scam

    "I am a bank manager and I have client with x million of funds in escheat, and I wish we can help her."

  " I am the son of the royal prince and  I found out that he has x zillions deposited in Swiss account, and I wonder if we can be partners for this and I will give you x% percentage of the loot if you help me?"

    These used to be letters and now the variation is email.

4.  The reshipping re fund transfer.

     Beware, the goods could be narcs or money for laundering.  

5. The winning of lottery or free gifts in a lottery that you are not aware you joined.

(Let me add that in our country, the load transfer scam is very common.   "If you text this secret code to this number, you will get a 30% discount on your next bill. The sender sends you the thread of numbers which turns out to be pasa load to him (from  50 pesos to a few hundred pesos which you lose) and then you do not get the promised 30% discount.   Hu hu hu

Welcome to scams and fraud warning site

Rizal  |  Philippines   | September 9, 2014

Welcome to this site on frauds and scam warning.

Most crimes now are no longer executed by guns and bullets.  PCs and smartphones  are now the new crime tools.  And of most crimes, frauds and scams, especially on line or via sms are carried out daily.  Of the millions articles posted on the internet, a good number, and I am a recipient of them, are scams and frauds.

Despite numerous articles and warnings on the same many still fall for he scams and fraud and become victims.

The goal of this site is to compile some of the scams so that you will be properly guided.  So that you will not be a sucker.