Friday, September 13, 2024

Deception (scamming the enemy) a practice in military war strategy

 The biggest practitioner of scam are the military strategist and generals:

1.  Thisi was prescribed in the Sun Tzu's Art of War.:   appear able when unable, or appear unable when able.   Feign weakness when strong, and vice versa

2.  Hannibl surprised the Romans when his elephant army scaled the steep Alps mountain where is not expected to be appear.

3.  In WW 2, in counter offensive vs Germans, the Allied forces did the following:

   1.  Re assigned Gen Patton, supposed head of the counter offensive to other areas to fool the Germans that the invastion was elsewhere;

   2.  There were fake documents and beached officers who carried documents that the invastion was to be in Italy.  There were fake tanks and even ships that were made to make the Germans think that the invastion was to be elsewhere and not at Germany

   3.  In battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Japanese did not oppose the amphibious landing to lull the Americans into thinking that battle was light and that the islands resistance was weak.  Thereafter, the Japanese pincered the Americans into meat grander warfare.   War of attrition and severe fighting.

4.   In 1990, at Operation Desert Storm, battle at Iraq, the alliies feigned that the offensive would be at Kuwait, but in reality it would be at Bagdad HIghway   The US Airforce mangled the Iraqui battle equipment.  It was a carnage.  

   To t3rrorize the tank personnel, the Allies dropped speakers with play back of screaming jets and /or Apache helicopters so give the impression of relentless Allied attack.  

Feigning, deceiving the enemy to catch him offguard.  The magicians also deceive the audience by redirection and deceiption. 

Generals and magicians -  bunch of scammers

Fake news in the Phllippines

In both paid and soc media, you now cant discern the true from fake news.   And the trend doesnt stop

What is your opinion?  Can we trust what we read in the newspapers and soc media?  Who is telling the truth?  Whom can we trust?

Only the paranoid survive - Andrew Grove - former CEO of Intel

Desiderata warned of being careful in all dealings because it can be full of scams and lies.  Thus this advise of being paranoid hold water.

Always take offered deals with grain of salt and with thought that it can be scam.  That is why we have a board and hordes of experts:    lawyers, accountants, independent board to warn us of scams that can bring a business down to its knees.  

Despite these preacautions, scams do happen.  

"Mag ingat, mga kapatid"

Many government scam

Most govt promise a better tomorrow and order, but do they?   Do the better tomorrow, the change happen?

You pay taxes, but do they come back to you 100% in terms of services:   education, health, and security?

Have your elected officials really been elected fairly and  truthfully by the populace.  Vox populi?  Many think that current govt officials in PHL were elected by voting machine programs?   No one has proof to prove nor disprove.  But news are coming out that some top senior officials of the poll body are being discovered to have largesse from bribes?

How about ghost employees?  Ghost projects?

How about ayuda scams?   Do they really reach the real beneficiaries.

Or projects that cost 50% less (since the contractor coughed up 50% as bribes.   Its no wonder that many want to live in the farm, or return to the mountains.

Many people are tried and jaded over scams that they accept it as a way of life.

Religion is a scam

 Atheists would favor this post.  And even posit this post.

Religion as an explanation that explains everything, especially those that are beyond human comprehension..  At the end of the day, religion controls the way of life of people.

Most churches demand fees and tithes promising life everlasting.  But none has yet to prove the life everylasting.  

That is why there is a growing number of atheists. 

What do you think of this theory that religion is a scam?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

 If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

What do you think?

Methinks it is.  Yes.

So deliver what you promise.

Are certain institutions scams?

 Why do so many parents send children to expensive schools to study.  They want to leave a legacy.  A fortune as it were in lieu of cash or properties. The thesis is:   if you study you will be successful.  You will find a job.    But do schools really deliver what they promise:

1.  Do you get a job when you finish college?  Do you get a higher paying job if yuu finish masteral or PhD?   No.   According to Calvin Coolidge, the world is full of educated derelicts.

This post graduated from a pricey college in the  70s.  Many of my classmates to who went abroad ended as clerks, or chpg patrolman?

2.  An Ivy League school tried to research to find out what made their alumni successful.   Was it the school brand.   They later found out that it was not the school brand.  But two things:

    1.  If the student had a goal?

    2.  Did the student write this down?

3.  Do schools prepare to be in the business work/environment?

     Most of the time they dont.   Graduates complain why retailers require college graduates when the job being done is menial.    Its because many of the graduates do not have basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic and end up messing their jobs.    Google designed a curriculum of just one year that prepare middle school students for jobs that are available.

    This post was able to talk to executive director of CHED who said that current education must prepare grads for BPO, outsourcing jobs, which current higher education is failing to do.