Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Are organizations, both govt and non govt capable of scams?

 If we include unfulfilled promises or claims or visions that were promised, we would say yest:

1.  Churches/sects -  "If you join us, you will have everlasting life, you will be saved."  -  Do we have enough proofs of those who were saved, or those who had everlasting life.

2.  Schools educational institutions -  "When you study, you will be smarter, you will have high paying jobs."  Really?

3.  Social security system -  safety nets for our workers when they retire or are laid off...

4.  Politicians govt -   We will take care of the poor and take care of your needs.  This country will be great again

5.  Product -  this cream will make you white.  This drug will make you live longer.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome to scams and fraud warning site

Rizal  |  Philippines   | September 9, 2014

Welcome to this site on frauds and scam warning.

Most crimes now are no longer executed by guns and bullets.  PCs and smartphones  are now the new crime tools.  And of most crimes, frauds and scams, especially on line or via sms are carried out daily.  Of the millions articles posted on the internet, a good number, and I am a recipient of them, are scams and frauds.

Despite numerous articles and warnings on the same many still fall for he scams and fraud and become victims.

The goal of this site is to compile some of the scams so that you will be properly guided.  So that you will not be a sucker.