Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Only the paranoid survive - Andrew Grove - former CEO of Intel

Desiderata warned of being careful in all dealings because it can be full of scams and lies.  Thus this advise of being paranoid hold water.

Always take offered deals with grain of salt and with thought that it can be scam.  That is why we have a board and hordes of experts:    lawyers, accountants, independent board to warn us of scams that can bring a business down to its knees.  

Despite these preacautions, scams do happen.  

"Mag ingat, mga kapatid"

Many government scam

Most govt promise a better tomorrow and order, but do they?   Do the better tomorrow, the change happen?

You pay taxes, but do they come back to you 100% in terms of services:   education, health, and security?

Have your elected officials really been elected fairly and  truthfully by the populace.  Vox populi?  Many think that current govt officials in PHL were elected by voting machine programs?   No one has proof to prove nor disprove.  But news are coming out that some top senior officials of the poll body are being discovered to have largesse from bribes?

How about ghost employees?  Ghost projects?

How about ayuda scams?   Do they really reach the real beneficiaries.

Or projects that cost 50% less (since the contractor coughed up 50% as bribes.   Its no wonder that many want to live in the farm, or return to the mountains.

Many people are tried and jaded over scams that they accept it as a way of life.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

 If your organization does not deliver 100% of the product/service features, are you not committing scam?

What do you think?

Methinks it is.  Yes.

So deliver what you promise.

Are certain institutions scams?

 Why do so many parents send children to expensive schools to study.  They want to leave a legacy.  A fortune as it were in lieu of cash or properties. The thesis is:   if you study you will be successful.  You will find a job.    But do schools really deliver what they promise:

1.  Do you get a job when you finish college?  Do you get a higher paying job if yuu finish masteral or PhD?   No.   According to Calvin Coolidge, the world is full of educated derelicts.

This post graduated from a pricey college in the  70s.  Many of my classmates to who went abroad ended as clerks, or chpg patrolman?

2.  An Ivy League school tried to research to find out what made their alumni successful.   Was it the school brand.   They later found out that it was not the school brand.  But two things:

    1.  If the student had a goal?

    2.  Did the student write this down?

3.  Do schools prepare to be in the business work/environment?

     Most of the time they dont.   Graduates complain why retailers require college graduates when the job being done is menial.    Its because many of the graduates do not have basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic and end up messing their jobs.    Google designed a curriculum of just one year that prepare middle school students for jobs that are available.

    This post was able to talk to executive director of CHED who said that current education must prepare grads for BPO, outsourcing jobs, which current higher education is failing to do.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Very thin line between legit term insurance and Ponzi pyramid scheme

 As I was discussing marketing of a product with an entrepreneur he proposed a too good to be true proposition:   pay one time amount of Php x and if something happens, he gets the product and service free.  I objected to this because it becomes an insurance (if registered) or a Ponzi scam:

What I did not like:

1.  There has to be a big universe:  There has to be many buyers(suckers)  The new buyers of the amount should be able to service the needs of those who need to get out because of death.  

2.  Thus is risky:    the chief has to be responsible for cash flow, and losses of the firm.   If the cash flow out and cash flow in stops, the whole thing collapses and is unsustainable

The cash flow becomes long because there is no limit to the amortization.  It is one time payment of premium.   If there is high returns for financial instruments, then the scheme will work,  If there is inflation for the cost of the product or service being offered, and low returns for financial instruments, then there is a negative carry, and the whole financial model collapses.  

Ther risks are:   CDO from Insurance Commission, SEC investigations, and possible charge of estafa.  

It is actually the way scam, Ponzi scams work.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Creativity and growth in number of scams amazing

 I am amazed how people use their brains and ingenuity to the full on how they can fool and scam others.   I thought our purpose in life is to find your gift and use the same to serve others.

Before this post taught in a school and prior to discussing the legit course, this post asks the students in a group to come up with a crime. scam.  It is surprising how students can be so pumped up and creative.  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Job offer scams- have you experienced this?

 If it is too good to be true, then it is:

Some tell tale signs:

1.  Higher salary

2.  Personal email being used, use of social media

3.  WFH, no experience required, many personal information required prior to info on the job;

4. Many tasks being required prior to job interviews

5.  Money first for Physical exam, laptop etc.


Scams in the Philippines: would be victims - BEWARE

" In every minute, a sucker is born"

Be forewarned, be armed

Warning ni Chinkee Tan vs scams

 Mag ingat.

Maski maraming warning, paalala, marami pa ring nabibiktima.

Scams, scams, scams, frauds everywhere....

 Lately, a fmr batchmate inquired about another fmr batchmate who said was borrowing money.

Was I approached before for a a loan?  I answered yest.  But I said I am not into it anymore because I have all ready assigned my estate to my heirs and I have very little money on hand to spare.  Besides I know that the person is well off, having worked before with a multi lateral bank.

I was told that the same person is borrowing money -  huge millions.   The person made millions from mere P500,000 investment in bitcoin and appeared to have lost all them.

Now babawe.   

I am sure the person has lost it.  Crypto is one of the investments experts have warned against.  All people I know who invested in crypto/bitcoin have lost their investments -  are penniless


New scams in 2024.  (They got to be new)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

List of top scams that you must be aware of

There will be less educated scam victims

From Consumer Fraud report

The top 5 Philippine Scam

  1.  The Aman futures led by a Malaysian Manuel K. Amalilio who duped some P12 billion pesos especially in Visayas and Mindanao involving some 15,000 individuals.  This was in 2012.  They promised 50 to 80% returns within 17 to 20 days.  Amalilio was arrested because of fake passport but has not been extradited to the Philippines

  2.  The Legacy group.  Led by Mr. Celso de los Angeles.  They promised double your money in five years. and used rural banks to get the money from the public

As of 2008, the bank accumulated a total of P467 million deposits but had negative networth of P239 million.   When it was closed on December 12, 2008 it had only Cash on Hand of P1 million.

We had 2x your money for some of our projects but we paid them on time.

PDIC had advanced a total of P11 billion to the Legacy group

3.  PDAF (by Napoles involving senators, congressmen)  They were able to defraud a total of P10 billion pesos by siphoning funds to fake NGO, and then paying back to com to the sponsoring solons.   This may have had the blessing of top govt officials.

4.  Multitel led by Rose Balajadjay.  The damage could have been in the order of P100 billion .  The funny thing about this is that they were able to get endorsements of top SEC officials (who later stopped their operations)  The scheme involved 2x your money for a minimum of P10,000 for a lock in period of 18 months  The counselors were paid 20% commission.

5.  PIPC involved Singaporean Michael Lew  and wealthy Filipinos and promised interest/yield of 4.5% daily for a minimum of $1,000  which could be encashed via the internet.  Lew was estimated to have fled with $150 million to $240 million of investors money.

Characteristic of Scams

There will be  less educated scam victims

There was this feature at ANC Money portion on scams.  The scams are characterized by the following:

1.  The deal is complicated.  It could be difficult to understand for a layman to understand;

2.  There is no such thing as guaranteed high continuous earnings.  If the promoter promises that, then it is a scam.

3.  Keep it a secret.  If others know about this, then you may lose the opportunity;

4.  The un educated, the lower SEC, the more numerous ones are victims,   They lack financial literacy.

5.  Scams happen because the investors never bother to check with DTI and SEC for licenses.

Watch out for these signs.

They were present in:

Balajadyay  Celso de los Angeles,

How about the pre need?  Were they scams?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Some common unnoticed scams

They happen everyday; some go unnoticed like change at buses or supermarkets or stores. Some sellers, drivers will not give you the 50 or 25 centavos change.   Multiply that by a thousand customers passengers a day and number of terminals in a supermarket say 50, multiply by 30 days and 12 months, the amounts could be staggering.

One of the scams happen with the load;  after 10 texts or 1 minute call, the phone announces that there is no more load.   Has this happened to you?  But it happens to many people.  Your 50 pesos load gone.

Is there a law against this?

Have you been a victim?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome to scams and fraud warning site

Rizal  |  Philippines   | September 9, 2014

Welcome to this site on frauds and scam warning.

Most crimes now are no longer executed by guns and bullets.  PCs and smartphones  are now the new crime tools.  And of most crimes, frauds and scams, especially on line or via sms are carried out daily.  Of the millions articles posted on the internet, a good number, and I am a recipient of them, are scams and frauds.

Despite numerous articles and warnings on the same many still fall for he scams and fraud and become victims.

The goal of this site is to compile some of the scams so that you will be properly guided.  So that you will not be a sucker.