Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Many government scam

Most govt promise a better tomorrow and order, but do they?   Do the better tomorrow, the change happen?

You pay taxes, but do they come back to you 100% in terms of services:   education, health, and security?

Have your elected officials really been elected fairly and  truthfully by the populace.  Vox populi?  Many think that current govt officials in PHL were elected by voting machine programs?   No one has proof to prove nor disprove.  But news are coming out that some top senior officials of the poll body are being discovered to have largesse from bribes?

How about ghost employees?  Ghost projects?

How about ayuda scams?   Do they really reach the real beneficiaries.

Or projects that cost 50% less (since the contractor coughed up 50% as bribes.   Its no wonder that many want to live in the farm, or return to the mountains.

Many people are tried and jaded over scams that they accept it as a way of life.