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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Are certain institutions scams?

 Why do so many parents send children to expensive schools to study.  They want to leave a legacy.  A fortune as it were in lieu of cash or properties. The thesis is:   if you study you will be successful.  You will find a job.    But do schools really deliver what they promise:

1.  Do you get a job when you finish college?  Do you get a higher paying job if yuu finish masteral or PhD?   No.   According to Calvin Coolidge, the world is full of educated derelicts.

This post graduated from a pricey college in the  70s.  Many of my classmates to who went abroad ended as clerks, or chpg patrolman?

2.  An Ivy League school tried to research to find out what made their alumni successful.   Was it the school brand.   They later found out that it was not the school brand.  But two things:

    1.  If the student had a goal?

    2.  Did the student write this down?

3.  Do schools prepare to be in the business work/environment?

     Most of the time they dont.   Graduates complain why retailers require college graduates when the job being done is menial.    Its because many of the graduates do not have basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic and end up messing their jobs.    Google designed a curriculum of just one year that prepare middle school students for jobs that are available.

    This post was able to talk to executive director of CHED who said that current education must prepare grads for BPO, outsourcing jobs, which current higher education is failing to do.