Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Are organizations, both govt and non govt capable of scams?

 If we include unfulfilled promises or claims or visions that were promised, we would say yest:

1.  Churches/sects -  "If you join us, you will have everlasting life, you will be saved."  -  Do we have enough proofs of those who were saved, or those who had everlasting life.

2.  Schools educational institutions -  "When you study, you will be smarter, you will have high paying jobs."  Really?

3.  Social security system -  safety nets for our workers when they retire or are laid off...

4.  Politicians govt -   We will take care of the poor and take care of your needs.  This country will be great again

5.  Product -  this cream will make you white.  This drug will make you live longer.  

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