Showing posts with label NPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NPA. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Scams from armed fronts in the election; now scams from IT experts


This post has been informed of rip offs from armed groups in Visayas wherein the armed groups promises election victory to a candidate in exchange for a hefty sum.  The candidate makes a say 10% downpayment and full payment.  Only the 10% the downpayment is the loss of candidate

Yesterday, 3 young IT experts were caught by NBI for asking millions in exchange for victory in the elections.  They will hack Smartmatic and Comelec election system.  Fortunately  they were caught.  They are connected with a Smartmatic employee who is the leader.  The DOJ Usec Mancao led the  press con regarding the arrest. 

Another one is a teacher pretending to be NPA who sent mails to schools threatening them that they will be blown up if they dont come across. Fortunately the teacher was caught.