Showing posts with label generals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label generals. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Deception (scamming the enemy) a practice in military war strategy

 The biggest practitioner of scam are the military strategist and generals:

1.  Thisi was prescribed in the Sun Tzu's Art of War.:   appear able when unable, or appear unable when able.   Feign weakness when strong, and vice versa

2.  Hannibl surprised the Romans when his elephant army scaled the steep Alps mountain where is not expected to be appear.

3.  In WW 2, in counter offensive vs Germans, the Allied forces did the following:

   1.  Re assigned Gen Patton, supposed head of the counter offensive to other areas to fool the Germans that the invastion was elsewhere;

   2.  There were fake documents and beached officers who carried documents that the invastion was to be in Italy.  There were fake tanks and even ships that were made to make the Germans think that the invastion was to be elsewhere and not at Germany

   3.  In battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Japanese did not oppose the amphibious landing to lull the Americans into thinking that battle was light and that the islands resistance was weak.  Thereafter, the Japanese pincered the Americans into meat grander warfare.   War of attrition and severe fighting.

4.   In 1990, at Operation Desert Storm, battle at Iraq, the alliies feigned that the offensive would be at Kuwait, but in reality it would be at Bagdad HIghway   The US Airforce mangled the Iraqui battle equipment.  It was a carnage.  

   To t3rrorize the tank personnel, the Allies dropped speakers with play back of screaming jets and /or Apache helicopters so give the impression of relentless Allied attack.  

Feigning, deceiving the enemy to catch him offguard.  The magicians also deceive the audience by redirection and deceiption. 

Generals and magicians -  bunch of scammers