Thursday, July 18, 2024

Turning the tables on scammers

Dont be a victim; sometimes scam the scammers. So let them taste the does of their own crimes. Or annoy them

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gray areas of scamming?

 Have you heard about:

1.  Bloggers or production units of TV shows asking for x deals (free food or hotel rooms) ;   or charging posts for as much as P50,000 per post on a page;

2.  Or ridiculous talks that charges P5,000 per half day; 

3.   Or get rich billionaire overnight but numbers don't add up.  Over estimating their net worth and pretending to be what they are not.   Are they real

4.  How about stock market good news?

5.  High paying job offers that is actually an MLM or Ponzi scheme.  So many to be wary of that could be scams...

Even those who ask pity for their children/relative in the hospital asking for mere P1 can clean your accounts dry.  BEWARE.   

PT Barnaum was said to have said that suckers are born every day.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Is this a legal arrangement?

 A company is trying to find ways to get to have a project licensed.  But he could not get around the titling problem.  

So they are planning to be associated with a ________organization so that the project will be owned by the said firm, they accept payment as a donation, and they get a unit free.   No licensing is required and is exempt from paying necessary fees.  This is legal

But it could be a scam.   The organization gets a juicy % of the revenues.   

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Can you afford to live in a foreign country? Just to think that many are too crazy to move abroad.

 Have we have been fooled into going and living abroad?   Think hard

Are they better off just staying in the Philippines and doing a side hustle

Monday, July 1, 2024

Its not only in the Philippines

 We are frequently shamed by stories of our fellow men maltreating the tourists:     horrendous taxi fares, robberies, scamming by their Pinay GFs

Its a relief to know that this is not unique to the Philippines.   It may not be true for Japan (they never had a lost baggage in Kansai airport) or Taiwan (I left a bag at a train station and found it there again)

This is a story of a business partner who went on tour package to Russia and Eastern Europe.   He warned me not to travel to this Eastern European country.   R......ia.   Thieves broke the lock of their luggage and stole valuables.   The worse part is that the airline from P....d refused any responsibility or liability to the incident.   

Yet we beat the air out of our Philippine counterparts for small offenses.

Not only in the Philippines.   

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Very thin line between legit term insurance and Ponzi pyramid scheme

 As I was discussing marketing of a product with an entrepreneur he proposed a too good to be true proposition:   pay one time amount of Php x and if something happens, he gets the product and service free.  I objected to this because it becomes an insurance (if registered) or a Ponzi scam:

What I did not like:

1.  There has to be a big universe:  There has to be many buyers(suckers)  The new buyers of the amount should be able to service the needs of those who need to get out because of death.  

2.  Thus is risky:    the chief has to be responsible for cash flow, and losses of the firm.   If the cash flow out and cash flow in stops, the whole thing collapses and is unsustainable

The cash flow becomes long because there is no limit to the amortization.  It is one time payment of premium.   If there is high returns for financial instruments, then the scheme will work,  If there is inflation for the cost of the product or service being offered, and low returns for financial instruments, then there is a negative carry, and the whole financial model collapses.  

Ther risks are:   CDO from Insurance Commission, SEC investigations, and possible charge of estafa.  

It is actually the way scam, Ponzi scams work.  

How a scam destroyed Albania - due to pyramid scam

 Scams results can be catastrophic.  It can destroy an entire country and bring it an upheaval.