Showing posts with label public. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Now its final and clear - you can not get a title that is included in the G...o title, much less a free patent even if you pay waiver

 We nearly were scammed that land covered by Tax Dec in B...... We were offered hectares of land covered by Tax Dec with the promise that they can be titled if given the waiver by the purported owner, who was upheld as legitimate owner by the highest court of the land.

We did not get clear and definite answer from the owner when we interviewed her last Friday.

We verified from officials of a government agency that was in charge of titling:

1.  While the    G...o were said to be the owner, the name in the title is a corporation I....t, and not the  While they claim they were not paid or given share of stocks by I....t, the fact remains that the registered owner is the former.    The waiver to be issued by the G...o family is of no value.

2.  An OCT free patent under the Public Lands Act CA 141 or RA 10023 can not be issued from the G...o title through a waiver since the land being claimed are not public land but private land covered by a mother title.   A conveyance is in order rather than a waiver.

So buyers beware, as we should be.

A waiver by the G...o family will not be honored by the govt agency since the land is owned by I....t as per records

No free patent can be issued to the lands with Tax Dec, as these are titled property.

So people of the town mentioned are doomed not to have titles.  And cant be sold to corporations and developers.    Even for a 100 years or more Unless the Courts reverse their ruling.    And many say that the decision of the court after SC decision is unassailable.   Pity the residents legitimate land owners of the said town.