Thursday, June 27, 2024

This page/site has very low readership, people are not wary of scams

 This post noticed very low, and sometimes 0 views of this site.  This means that very few people are made aware of scams that they are about to encounter, and hence being not forewarned can fall victim to the MO.

I hope many people will  (Or this is part of following trust no one, not even a scam warning site/page)

Be forewarned be armed.

Trust no one.

Only the paranoid survive

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Even the govt, the revenue offices are not immune to scams

 This is an example of how foreigners, immigrants can outwit the legitimate host country and defraud the govt of millions.  This is an anecdote about Iris Tech run by Samer Bishay was able to defraud CRA in the amount of $63Milion in an elaborate carousel scheme to be able to collect tax refund.

Our BIR should be congratulated for being able to control VAT refund being claimed by foreign firms

Carousel Scam - Iris Tech

Creativity and growth in number of scams amazing

 I am amazed how people use their brains and ingenuity to the full on how they can fool and scam others.   I thought our purpose in life is to find your gift and use the same to serve others.

Before this post taught in a school and prior to discussing the legit course, this post asks the students in a group to come up with a crime. scam.  It is surprising how students can be so pumped up and creative.  

Prediction of 2024 scams

 I actually experienced the recovery scam.   My house was robbed 3 years backed and then met the new chief of police who happened to be a relative.  He said he had lead on the robber.  But I should get two tickets worth P1,000 each for further follow up... Last time I heard from him

Beware of AI generated products and celebrity scams...

Criminal case app which you click  which later on cleans your account

Phone call block to your bank for verification

(Before when phone lines were scarce, the lineman had scam to pay him 5 number amount to get a line)

Are organizations, both govt and non govt capable of scams?

 If we include unfulfilled promises or claims or visions that were promised, we would say yest:

1.  Churches/sects -  "If you join us, you will have everlasting life, you will be saved."  -  Do we have enough proofs of those who were saved, or those who had everlasting life.

2.  Schools educational institutions -  "When you study, you will be smarter, you will have high paying jobs."  Really?

3.  Social security system -  safety nets for our workers when they retire or are laid off...

4.  Politicians govt -   We will take care of the poor and take care of your needs.  This country will be great again

5.  Product -  this cream will make you white.  This drug will make you live longer.  

Trust no one - important rule not to be scammed

 Only the Paranoid survive

Trust no one.   Silence is golden.  Be discreet about your success or financial standing.  Do not share this online on soc media or people you met on your social media account:   WhatsApp, DM, or dating sites. Or even to persons who are close to you:  relatives, friends.  

Friday, June 21, 2024

Large scale real estate scam covering 3 municipalities - hence growth is slow and investors avoid our location

There is a sucker born every minute.  P.T Barnaum

There is large scale land scam in our area that drives away investors, stops development.  The justice system helped perpetuate this scam 

This is the so called Guido Estate, purportedly existing since 1912.  This covers areas from Mambog of Binangonan up to Villa Valera in Taytay.  

The  claimants here are 3:    Guido et al Interport and Rommel Realty.  When you apply for title it was alleged you have to settle, get quick claim from the 3 of them.

Correct us if it wrong.     There was this title for the Guido estate with technical description which was hurriedly issued a title on the same day by the RD of Morong.  The Mayor of Binangonan through the Solicitor General filed a suit vs the Title and the RTC said the title is fake.   The case was brought before the CA which reversed the lower court   This eventually led to having the Supreme Court for finality.  SC said that all titled land belong to the owners with Title, and those without title with Tax Dec are subject to case by case litigation. 

I met a person who used to work for BL who boasted that he was able to memorize the technical description of a 700 sm  property, from a microfiche.  From there, he was able to project that property to be 3,000 hectares.    And the technical description was the basis of the title issued  by the RD of Morong.  

How could the courts have caused so much injustice, perpetuating a scam, denying them the right to abode and land ownership.  I wonder if Guido was able to show proof of possession by paying the back taxes.  

Those who have tax dec can sell them but no TCTs will be issued to them.  Legit businesses will not buy properties without title.  So it is common in this area to sell subdivision lots without TCT.

When will the scam stop?   When will these 3 entities end the blockade to businesses who want to be in our area?